showing 25 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame type
Final Fantasy VII  ??role-play Fantasy Manga labelminimizeminimize
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion  2K Games;Ubisoft (Bethesda Game Studios)2007action/reflex beat 'em up adventure role-play Fantasy labelimagesubject
Dead Space Electronic Arts (EA Redwood Shores)2008action/reflex Horror Science Fiction labelimagesubject
Alone in the Dark: Inferno  Atari (Eden Games)2008adventure Fantasy Horror labelimageminimize
Demon's Souls  Atlus USA;SCEI (From Software;SCE Japan Studio)2009action/reflex role-play Fantasy labelimagesubject
Resident Evil 5  Capcom2009action/reflex adventure Horror labelimagesubject
Trine Nobilis (Frozenbyte)2009action/reflex Fantasy labelimagesubject
Venetica dtp entertainment (Deck13 Interactive)2009action/reflex role-play Fantasy labelminimizeminimize
Borderlands 2K Games (Gearbox Software)2009action/reflex shooter role-play labelimagesubject
Dragon Age: Origins EA International (BioWare)2009action/reflex role-play Fantasy labelimagesubject
Deadly Premonition  Marvelous Entertainment;Rising Star Games (Access Games)2010action/reflex adventure Horror labelimageminimize
Brink Bethesda Softworks (Splash Damage)2010action/reflex shooter Science Fiction labelimageminimize
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Konami (MercurySteam Entertainment;Kojima Productions)2010action/reflex platformer adventure Fantasy labelimageminimize
Dead Island Techland;Deep Silver (Techland)2011action/reflex Horror labelminimizeminimize
Dead Space 2  Electronic Arts (Visceral Games)2011action/reflex adventure Horror Science Fiction labelimageminimize
Dungeon Hunter: Alliance Gameloft2011action/reflex role-play Fantasy labelimageminimize
Dragon Fantasy  Muteki Corporation2011role-play Fantasy labelimageminimize
Rage  Bethesda Softworks (id Software)2011action/reflex Science Fiction labelimageminimize
Trine 2 Atlus (Frozenbyte)2011action/reflex platformer Fantasy labelimageminimize
Borderlands 2  2K Games (Gearbox Software)2012shooter Science Fiction labelimageminimize
Dead Space 3 Electronic Arts (Visceral Games)2013action/reflex Horror Science Fiction labelimageminimize
Lone Survivor - The Director's Cut Superflat Games2013adventure Fantasy Horror labelminimizeminimize
South Park: The Stick of Truth  Ubisoft (Obsidian Entertainment;South Park Digital Studios)2014adventure role-play Cartoon labelimageminimize
Risen 3: Titan Lords Deep Silver (Piranha Bytes)2014action/reflex role-play Fantasy labelminimizesubject
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir  Atlus (Vanillaware)2016action/reflex beat 'em up role-play Fantasy Manga labelimageminimize